French Revolution Class 9 PDF

French Revolution Class 9 PDF

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French Revolution Class 9 PDF

French Revolution Class 9 PDF

PDF Name         French Revolution Class 9 PDF
No. of Pages         24
PDF Size                 1.05 MB
Language            English
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    What is the French Revolution Class 9 PDF about?

    The French Revolution Class 9 PDF is an educational resource that provides information about the causes, events, and outcomes of the French Revolution. It is designed to help students in Class 9 understand the historical significance of this event.

    Where can I download the French Revolution Class 9 PDF?

    The French Revolution Class 9 PDF can be downloaded from various educational websites and online libraries. You can also check with your school or educational institution for access to the PDF.

    What topics are covered in the French Revolution Class 9 PDF?

    The French Revolution Class 9 PDF covers topics such as the political and social conditions in France before the revolution, the events leading up to the revolution, the different phases of the revolution, and the impact of the revolution on France and the rest of Europe.

    Is the French Revolution Class 9 PDF available in multiple languages?

    The availability of the French Revolution Class 9 PDF in different languages may vary depending on the source. However, it is commonly available in English and other widely spoken languages.

    How can I use the French Revolution Class 9 PDF to improve my knowledge of the subject?

    You can use the French Revolution Class 9 PDF as a study guide to improve your knowledge of the subject. It provides a comprehensive overview of the French Revolution, and you can use it to supplement your class notes, prepare for exams, or research topics related to the revolution.

    Can the French Revolution Class 9 PDF be used by students of other grades?

    While the French Revolution Class 9 PDF is designed for students in Class 9, it can also be used by students in higher grades who are studying the French Revolution as a part of their curriculum.

    Is the French Revolution Class 9 PDF free to download?

    The availability of the French Revolution Class 9 PDF for free may vary depending on the source. Some websites offer it as a free download, while others may charge a fee for access to the resource.

    What are the benefits of studying the French Revolution in Class 9?

    Studying the French Revolution in Class 9 helps students understand the causes and effects of a major historical event, and it provides insights into the political, social, and economic factors that shaped the world we live in today.

    Can the French Revolution Class 9 PDF be used for group study?

    Yes, the French Revolution Class 9 PDF can be used for group study. Students can read the resource together, discuss the topics covered, and share their insights and opinions about the French Revolution.

    What are some other resources available for learning about the French Revolution?

    Apart from the French Revolution Class 9 PDF, there are various other resources available for learning about the French Revolution. These include textbooks, online courses, documentaries, and historical novels.

    How can the French Revolution Class 9 PDF help me prepare for exams?

    The French Revolution Class 9 PDF provides a comprehensive overview of the subject, and it can help you prepare for exams by giving you a better understanding of the causes, events, and outcomes of the French Revolution.

    Can I use the French Revolution Class 9 PDF to write a research paper?

    Yes, you can use the French Revolution Class 9 PDF to write a research paper. It provides a wealth of information about the French Revolution, and you can use it as a starting point for your research.

    What are some of the key figures of the French Revolution?

    Some of the key figures of the French Revolution include Maximilien Robespierre, Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Jean-Paul Marat.

    Are there any other resources for learning about the French Revolution in addition to the Class 9 PDF?

    Yes, there are many resources available for learning about the French Revolution. You can find books, documentaries, and online courses on the subject. Some recommended books include "Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution" by Simon Schama, "The French Revolution: A Very Short Introduction" by William Doyle, and "The Oxford History of the French Revolution" edited by William Doyle.

    Is the French Revolution covered in other classes besides Class 9?

    Yes, the French Revolution is often covered in other history and social studies classes. It is a significant event in world history and has had a lasting impact on politics and society. It may also be covered in literature classes, as the French Revolution has inspired many works of fiction.

    Why is it important to learn about the French Revolution?

    Learning about the French Revolution is important for several reasons. First, it was a pivotal event in world history that had a major impact on politics and society. Second, it provides insights into the causes and consequences of revolutions, which continue to shape our world today. Finally, it can help us understand the complexities of power, ideology, and social change.

    How can I use the Class 9 PDF to study for exams?

    The Class 9 PDF on the French Revolution is a useful resource for studying for exams. You can use it to review key concepts and historical events, as well as to practice answering questions related to the French Revolution. Make sure to take notes, create study guides, and practice with sample questions to improve your understanding and retention of the material.

    Where can I find additional resources on the French Revolution?

    In addition to the Class 9 PDF, there are many other resources available for learning about the French Revolution. You can search online for articles, videos, and other educational materials. You can also consult with your teacher or librarian for recommendations on books and other resources.

    French Revolution Class 9 PDF Summary

    Dear readers, here we are offering French Revolution Class 9 PDF for all of you. This amazing article will help you to know about all the important points which are directly related to the history chapter of class 9th “The French Revolution”, and by getting all these things and information, thousands of other students will also be able to master this chapter. Are you a student of class IX, and you want to get all the important information about the chapter “The French Revolution” of NCERT history title in simple language?

    If yes, then today you have reached the right place. So let us now start this kind of summary or crash course based on “The French Revolution”, which will help you to increase your knowledge on this topic. It started on July 14, 1789, when the whole city of Paris was stirred up. Then about 7 thousand people had gathered in this ruckus, and they all together to fight, because they were all fed up with the then king there. And this happened because there the king did not care about his subjects at all.

    French Revolution Class 9 Questions Answers

    Q1- Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France.

    Ans- Circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France:

    A society of estates, and the plight of the third estate

    French society was divided into three distinct estates: the first estate comprising the clergy, the second estate composed of the nobility, and the third estate made up of tradesmen, merchants, court officials, lawyers, peasants, artisans, landless labor and servants. It was only the third estate that was made to pay taxes. The clergy and the nobility were exempt from this rule. In addition to the taxes that were to be paid to the state, peasants had to pay taxes to the Church and feudal dues to the noble lords. It was an unfair situation that led to the growth of a feeling of discontent among the members of the third estate.

    Subsistence crisis

    At this time, there was a greater demand for food grains. Due to greater demand than supply, the price of bread (the staple diet of the majority) rose. Due to rising prices and inadequate wages, most of the population could not even afford the basic means of livelihood. This led to a crisis of subsistence, and an increase in the gap between the rich and the poor.

    A stronger middle class, and the popularization of democratic and social ideals

    The middle class emerged as educated and wealthy during the eighteenth century. The system of privileges as promoted by the feudal society was against their interests. Being educated, the members of this class had access to the various ideas of equality and freedom proposed by the French and English political and social philosophers. These ideas got popularised amongst the masses as a result of intensive discussions and debates in salons and coffee houses, and through books and newspapers.

    The assembly of the Estates General, and the proposal to increase taxes.

    In order to pass proposals for increasing taxes, the French monarch Louis XVI called together an assembly of the Estates General on 5 May 1789. Each estate was allowed one vote in this assembly. The third estate protested against the unfairness of the proposal. They proposed, instead, that each member should have one vote. The king rejected this appeal, and the representative members of the third estate walked out of the assembly in protest.

    The National Assembly, and the revolting subjects

    These representative members, led by Mirabeau and Abbe Sieyes, declared themselves a National Assembly and took an oath to not disperse until they had drafted a constitution for France that would limit the powers of the monarch and do away with the unjust feudal system of privileges. While this organization was busy drafting a democratic constitution, there were numerous localized rebellions that sought to displace the feudal lords. Meanwhile, the food crisis worsened, and the anger of the masses spilled onto the streets. On 14 July, the King ordered troops to move into Paris. In response, several hundreds of agitated men and women formed their own armed groups. One such people’s militia stormed and destroyed the Bastille fortress prison (representative of the king’s despotic power). This is how the French Revolution came about.

    Q2- Which groups of French society benefited from the revolution? Which groups were forced to relinquish power? Which sections of society would have been disappointed with the outcome of the revolution?

    Ans- The richer members of the third estate (the middle class) benefitted the most from the French Revolution. The clergy and the nobility were forced to relinquish power. The poorer sections of society and women would have been disappointed with the outcome of the revolution as the promise of equality was not fulfilled in full measure at the end of the revolution.

    Q3- Describe the legacy of the French Revolution for the peoples of the world during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

    Ans- The French Revolution bore a rich legacy for the peoples of the world during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries because it was the first national movement that adopted the ideals of “liberty, equality, and fraternity”. These ideas became the basic tenets of democracy for every nation in the 19th and 20th centuries. The Revolution espoused the cause of the masses, sought to abolish the idea of divine right, feudal privileges, slavery, and censorship, and upheld merit as the basis for social upgradation.

    These tenets are important even in the contemporary world for their emphasis on equality and a world free from prejudice. Feudal systems and later, colonization was abolished by re-working the French Revolution ideals of freedom and equality. Indian leaders such as Raja Ram Mohan Roy were deeply influenced by the ideas that the French Revolution propagated against the monarchy and its absolutism.

    Q4- Draw up a list of democratic rights we enjoy today whose origins could be traced to the French Revolution.

    Ans- Democratic rights that we enjoy today whose origins can be traced to the French Revolution are: freedom of expression, right to equality, right to freedom, right to assemble and form unions (as long as they are not a threat to national security and peace).

    Q5- How would you explain the rise of Napoleon?

    Ans- The rise of Napoleon came right after the fall of the Directory in 1796. The Directors often clashed with the legislative councils, who then made attempts to dismiss them. The Directory was highly politically unstable; hence, Napoleon rose to power as a military dictator. Earlier, the Jacobins had overthrown King Louis XVI and established governance on their own module; but Robespierre’s administration was too harsh and relentless. Napoleon crowned himself the emperor in 1804 and abolished dynasties. He viewed himself as a “modernizer of Europe” and was rightly seen as a liberator who introduced a uniform system of weights and measures, introduced laws to protect private property, etc. However, his quest for power led to his ultimate downfall with his defeat at Waterloo in 1815.


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